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Why Are You Afraid of Success?

I have discovered that it’s not success that most people are afraid of but the ability to actually obtain success. We spend years trying to find our purpose and what sets our soul on fire, and throughout that time we have experienced many let downs. Despite those losses we continue our journey. Until that day comes when you act on the very thing you have been putting off for so long and you begin to see successful results. You feel excited and you continue to work toward your goal and think of all the possibilities.

While thinking of the possibilities of what could go right, of course our mind leads us to think of what could go wrong too, and at what cost. That’s when the anxiety kicks in.

Personally speaking, I had got so use to managing losses that when success came around I got nervous wondering when could I expect a loss to occur.

Let's correct this way of thinking immediately in 6 easy steps.

  1. Be Positive. Negative thoughts lead to negative behavior and actions. Surround yourself with positive like-minded people. Practice daily gratitude by writing down all of your daily successes.

  2. Remind yourself that you are part of a bigger picture. Fear comes from worrying about the unknown, feeling out of control and not knowing your true purpose. Pay attention to the things that make you happy. Continue to serve and help others. Make being a good person a priority. Realizing that you are part of a bigger picture and that your life is successful because of the doing, not the outcome.

  3. Take time out to find the real you. You might be a great mother, a helpful friend, an awesome cook but do you know who you are? What makes you happy? What is your purpose? Make time to reflect on your life's purpose. What is it that you always wanted to do but never took the time to do? Listen, days become busy when you are unorganized and you don't have any time for yourself. Start scheduling at least 15 minutes a day to yourself and you will notice that your daily task become easier. You will become a better parent. You will have time to come up with creative ideas to lead to your definition of success. You will be able to take better care of your health. You will reduce your stress and be able to experience the joy of life.

  4. Find a mentor or coach. Sometimes when we lose trust in ourselves we just need a little bit of inspiration and motivation. Having a mentor or coach is a great way to express how you feel and be motivated to continue working toward your goal. It's not easy to talk to friends or family members who don't understand the importance of staying focused on a task until that task becomes a part of who you are. Family or friends may criticize because they think you take work too seriously. Sign-up to be mentored on your progression of work. It cost you nothing but the gain is everything.

  5. Learn. Most time we often feel insecure or fearful when we are not clear on the details. So this one is very simple. If it is something you are passionate about take the time to learn. If its a company or product you are putting together learn what it does and/or what you offer specifically. Know your company's ins and outs. The more you know the more confident you will be.

  6. Live in Balance. No matter how important success may seem to you remember to follow it through with balance or it can turn into an obsession and ruin everything else in your life. Make time for friends. If you're single make time for dating. If you're married take your wife/husband out for a date. Entrepreneurship is just one layer of success. Enjoy hobbies. One of the worst mistakes in starting a business is that we neglect the ones we love to stay focused on what we want to obtain. While it is important to stay focused, don't forget about the other people and things that make the world go round also.

​"The Strongest factor for success is self-esteem: believing you can do it, believing you deserve it, believing you will get it."

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