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"Set a Goal. Make a Plan. (&) Make it Happen!!"

Why is it so important to set goals?

When we think about it, we all set goals. The goal may be for tomorrow, for next week or next year. The goal may be to spend more time with friends. The plan, to go to dinner or the movies, or just to hang out on a specific day or time, but these are not the goals and plans I am talking about. Let me explain.

Several years ago the business I'm in had a very different management structure. Virtually none of those positions still exist. The elimination of the managerial positions did not then and still do not change the fact that as an independent business woman, I must find (ever-changing) ways to grow my business and to keep it all thriving, growing and fulfilling.

One manager (actually two, had a huge impact on me, but I digress...). The division meetings were big events. Hundreds of representatives would travel many miles to make these meetings, which were always filled with great excitement and many business-building ideas. We always looked forward to the commaderary of being with such a large group of like-minded, #BeautyBoss business builders. The Division Manager at this particular event asked of the group, "Who is going to have a 'breakthrough' in your business this year?" As we discussed our goals, our local managers would hold the pine board; we would (loudly) say our goals as we 'broke through' the board with the ball of our hand. I still have that pine plank with the words "Presidents Council" written on it.


What was my new goal? A new sales level, which would mean DOUBLING my previously high sales figures.

I had set business goals prior to this, but this would be my biggest goal to date.

I was dreaming of trips I would earn, larger income, more team members and so much more. Dreams bigger than I have ever dared to dream before!

I wasn't sure how to formulate a plan to make the sales goal happen, I just knew I wanted this as much as anything else in my Avon business. In that moment, I was absolutely sure I could reach the new goal!

Now, to formulate the plan.

  1. Dream Bigger Than You Think Possible.

  2. Set THE BIG GOAL.

  3. Set mini goals to help you track along the way to reaching the big goal.

  4. Surround yourself with others who are like-minded and who have been where you are now.


  6. Be consistent.

  7. Read. Learn from the successes (and the mistakes) of others.

  8. Join groups with those who can and will mentor you.

  9. Look for opportunities to lead others. (because the teacher/leader learns more than the student.)

  10. Share your knowledge.

"Not that I have already obtained all of this, or have already arrived at my goal but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. "Brothers and Sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, "I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:12-14

Not all goals are heavenly, and our earthly goals are certainly not higher than our heavenly goals. Still all scripture is written for our learning and our admonition. (paraphrased Romans 15:4)

Francene Prewett #makeupandmore #avonstoretulsa Find us on Facebook, twitter, Instagram, Pinterest.

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