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Have You Ever Suffered The Loss of a Loved One?

Many people around the world have suffered from the loss of a friend or a family member. This is a cycle of life we must endure. At the age of six years old, I loss my biological mother. Growing up without her was hard sometimes. I always wondered how different my life would be if she was still here on earth.

I could remember when I as seven years old, and Mother's Day came around, I felt so sad and jealous that all the other children had their mother. My grandmother would always tell me, " Baby, I love you like my own." She was the closest woman I had as a mother figure.

Another moment I can think back on and remember is when I had my first daughter. When I looked at my daughter all I could do is cry, wishing that she would have been able to meet her grandmother.

My dad had been re-married for about 10 years and my Stepmother was there, don't get me wrong I love my stepmother like my own, but somes days it was just bittersweet.

Praying and seeking Godly counsel helped me in my time of grieving. Allowing myself to cry and release the depression, helped me to regain my focus and to know that God doesn't make mistakes.

In my new book, "Soldier in a Dress" that is now available on I stated that I battled with loss after loss with the women in my life that meant the most. First my mother, a few years later my grandmother also passed all by the time I was nine years old.

Taking one day at a time and finding peace in God really heals all wounds.

Isaiah 26:19

Your dead shall live, their bodies shall rise. You who dwell in the dust, awake and sing for joy! For the dew is a dew of light, and the earth will give birth to the dead.

I love to refer to the Word of God because in it comes wisdom. God is going to bring those loved ones back and we will all meet again, it's only a temporary sleep and in HIs word He will tell you that, He is going to put the bodies back together again.

So until that time we have to keep pressing our way. We are truly Soldiers in Dresses and we play a major part not just in our homes or in our jobs but in the Kingdom of the most high God also !!

Be Blessed and remember to Keep The Faith !!

Guest writer: Aneshia Sezer check out her new book on Amazon "Soldier

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